Tuesday, July 17, 2007

7302 FD & 7330 FD ISAM Turn Up Guide

show software-mngt oswp
show equipment slot
configure system security profile admin slot-numbering type-based

show equipment slot
configure system id TTCA8001

configure interface shub port 0 port-type network mode automatic admin-status up
configure system shub entry vlan ext-vlan-id 200
configure system mgnt-vlan-id 200
configure vlan shub id 200 egress-port network:0
configure vlan shub id 200 untag-port network:0
configure bridge shub port 0 pvid 200
configure system security snmp community public host-address context nt
configure system security snmp community NETMAN host-address context shub

configure system single-public-ip
configure system management host-ip-address manual:
configure system management default-route
configure la disable-lacp

configure equipment slot lt:1/1/1 planned-type nalt-c unlock

configure xdsl service-profile 1 name 4MB version 1 min-bitrate-down 64 max-bitrate-down 4000 max-bitrate-up 1000 min-bitrate-up 64
configure xdsl service-profile 1 active
configure xdsl spectrum-profile 1 name 4MB version 1 dis-etsi-dts dis-g992-1-b dis-g992-3-b g992-3-l1 g992-3-l2 g992-5-a dis-etsi-ts max-noise-down 310 max-noise-up 310
configure xdsl spectrum-profile 1 active

configure xdsl line 1/1/1/[1...10] service-profile 1 spectrum-profile 1 admin-up

configure interface port xdsl-line:1/1/1/1 admin-up user nazri
configure interface port xdsl-line:1/1/1/2 admin-up user tahir
configure interface port xdsl-line:1/1/1/3 admin-up user shamsul
configure interface port xdsl-line:1/1/1/4 admin-up user matdom

configure interface shub port 1 port-type network admin-status up

configure vlan id 500 name HSI mode residential-bridge
configure vlan id 3030 name VOD mode residential-bridge
configure vlan shub id 500 name VOD mode residential-bridge
configure vlan shub id 500 egress-port network:0
configure vlan shub id 500 egress-port network:1
configure vlan shub id 500 egress-port lt:1/1/1

configure vlan shub id 3030 name VOD mode residential-bridge
configure vlan shub id 3030 egress-port network:0
configure vlan shub id 3030 egress-port network:1
configure vlan shub id 3030 egress-port lt:1/1/1

configure atm pvc 1/1/1/[1...10]:0:35 aal5-encap-type automatic:ppp
configure pppox-relay cross-connect engine 500 name HSI
configure pppox-relay cross-connect client-port 1/1/1/[1...10]:0:35 vlan-id 500 default-priority 4 max-cc 4

configure atm pvc 1/1/1/[1...10]:0:37

configure bridge port 1/1/1/[1...10]:0:37
configure bridge port 1/1/1/[1...10]:0:37 vlan-id 3030
configure bridge port 1/1/1/[1...10]:0:37 pvid 3030
configure bridge port 1/1/1/[1...10]:0:37 default-priority 6

configure igmp system start
configure igmp shub igs-system start-snooping enable-snooping self-ip-addr-mode from-ip trace-selection 0 report-fwd-intv 5
configure igmp channel 1/1/4/2:0:37 perm-pkg-bitmap 1f:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 max-num-group 3
configure igmp channel 1/1/4/1:0:37 fullview-packages [1...5]

This is for my reference only no to publish any confidential information


Unknown said...


Can you help us how we can activate the NCNC-B module for additional network ports.


Igor Popov said...

can you show examples for 7302 that describes pppoe termination and ospf routing?

Miguel said...

Do you have documentation about ISAM 2.4.01U ?

Igor Popov said...

no, I have documentation only for previous version

Miguel said...

COuld you send me documentation about dslam? I´m interesting about comand line

Unknown said...

i wish to know about isam 7302 fd.

can you send any documents about its working and commands

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


Could you please send me the documentation you have for the 7330?

Unknown said...

guide de toute les commandes cli isam 7302+7330 svp merci

Unknown said...

can you please give an idea how to upgrade software through card reader